A little about me

So this is me! Well, my face anyway. I'm currently 23, I work for a non profit agency with people who have disabilities.
I. Love. It.
So crazy how those things work out. This was supposed to be a summer job. But somehow I became a lifer. Yea, I'll probably never leave.

I've been overweight pretty much since I was 5, and it's definitely something I've struggled with. I've never been the "I love myself no matter what!" kind of person. I wish I was so very badly! Although I've always been self conscious, and very hard on myself. One thing I do love about myself is that I think I will always have that desire to improve. Not in an obsessive way, but everyone has SOMETHING they can work on.

I know I've said it a million times, but I TRULY believe this is it. This is the time I reach goal and stay there! I'm the furthest I've ever been (55lbs down this week!) and I only have 31 more to go! I'm a runner now (CRAZY!!!) and I really am learning to love it. And there's something about the fact that if I'm lighter, I'll probably be able to run easier (Duh!)  that really motivates me.
NOW. I'm not saying that I'm doing this just to be lighter or to improve the way I look. Those are definitely reasons, but they aren't even close to the main reasons.
I want to feel good. I don't ever want to feel like I can't catch my breath while walking up a couple stairs. I want to stop feeling like I'm going to die young because of a heart attack or diabetes. I want to feel like I can shop like a normal person and not have to worry about if some store carries my size. I want to do the things that I want to do without having to worry about being self conscious or embarrassing the people that I'm with. I want to have a healthy relationship with food, while still enjoying it, and I want to truly love who I am and who I become throughout this process. 

Yup. Thats about it. So I'm using this space as somewhere I can just let it all out. We all know those people that talk about the same things over and over and over again. Well I'm that person. Here I don't have to worry about it though because if you don't want to listen, you don't have to ;) 

I'll be talking about my weight loss journey, struggles and good things! Learning to become a better runner and more about the sport itself, and trying new things. Most of those things will probably be recipes, but also new products, techniqes for running and eating, weight watchers. Stuff like that.I will warn you though, I have no idea how to use this thing, so it's going to be a freaking mess for a while. Be kind.
With Love,

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