Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Color Vibe and Crazy Ideas

I finally got to do a color run!! I did the Color Vibe 5k, and I'll start by saying that it was such a good time!! The atmosphere and everyone dressed up was great :) I got there super early like always, then stood around for almost 2 hours haha.  I don't know why, but I'm afraid I won't end up getting a shirt in my size or if I haven't registered, I'll be too late to.  So I figure getting there early is just a better option. 
So after I grabbed my packet and pinned on my bib we went and stood near the stage with one of my friends that also did the race.  They played music and people were dancing, it was just so much fun! At one point they yanked a zumba instructor from the audience and we all did zumba as a warm up.  They sent out runners in waves of 500 or so, and we hung back to go out in the last wave. Starting out I wanted this run to be just for fun, so I decided to stick with my friend. She just started running so she needed to take a few walk breaks, but running with someone else makes it so much better! And I really do need to do more runs just for fun. And there was so much color!! Once you start sweating, everything sticks so don't plan on "dusting" it off. My only complaints about the run were the cost, and that the turn around wasnt clearly marked, and it was right next to the finish.  So we ran through the finish on accident when we were only halfway done! (Ooopps!!) Then we had to run out and do it all over again, so that made the second half tough.  Other than that it was great and I would definitely do it again!

Then there was the next day where I decided to run 10 miles.  And I did it.  HOLY CRAP I RAN 10 MILES!!! I'm just saying... I may have been shuffling at an 11:15 pace by the time I finished, but I ran 10 miles.  Next week I'm going to try 11 or 12 to prepare for my half marathon.... we'll see ...

I'll leave you with the colorful mess I was at the finish line :)  hope you all have a beautiful week!


Monday, August 26, 2013

Friend Makin Monday!

I completely forgot it was Friend Makin Monday! So tada! Two posts in one day!

friend makin mondays
If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

Questions and Answers
1.  What is a typical weekday like for you? Crazy. I guess that's the best way to put it. I usually get up around 3:30am and start to get ready for the day. I pack my lunch, put on my gym clothes, that kind of thing. Then I go to the gym, try to get out there by 5:30. Go back home shower, get ready for work, leave by 6:30. I work from 7am- 2:30pm usually, but my schedule changes alot depending on when I can meet with families and such. THEN I get to go to my second job. I usually work that a few nights a week. Then I go home, try to be to bed my 9:30, then start all over :)

2.  Name one song that never fails to make you happy and one song that you always listen to when you’re sad.  This one changes alot, there are a TON of songs that make me happy. Right now I would say it is Something Beautiful by NEEDTOBREATHE. And I always listen to that when I'm sad :)

3.  Did you watch the VMA’s last night?  No...but I did youtube that clip of Miley (eww...)

4.  Share at least two that you possess. Two what? I think its asking talents? I'll go with that. I can give a good pedicure :) And I can hold a tune (Kindof).

5.  Share one thing that you wish you had the confidence to do.  There are two things really. If I was more practiced, I would want to sing in front of people for church. But I haven't had a lesson or sang formally in years so that's not an option. But my second one is to dance. I'm a freaking terrible dancer. But I wish I didn't care, and I got out there and just did my thing and ignored the world...that would be the day.

6. Tell us about one insecurity that people might be surprised that you have.  Well I don't really have any secrets. I pretty much tell people how I'm feeling whether they want to hear it or not. So basically my main insecurity is the way I look (mostly my weight) with my social interractions being a close second.

7.  If you could be the CEO of any company, which one would you choose to lead?  Under Armour, so I could have all the free cute workout clothes I want!!!!!!!!
8. List at least three hobbies that make you happy. I love to sing, for church or for my shower audience. I've LEARNED to love running. Or atleast the way it makes me feel. I also love chrocheting (even though I am barely mediocre at it and I never get to do it anymore because I work my life away,) It's still nice.
9.  Is there someone in your life that you wish you could say “I love you” to? Not really. If I love someone I usually tell them :)

10.  Share one cool thing that happened over the weekend.  I RAN 8 WHOLE FREAKING MILES AND I WANT TO SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS!!!

Now it’s your turn to answer this week’s questions.  Don’t forget to come back and link up in the comments!  Happy Monday, friends!

8 miles and 30 days

Yesterday I hit my longest distance yet, 8 miles! Woo! That being said, I felt every.single.one. For some reason I was tired from the get go. I didn't feel it until I started running (of course!) But I wanted to quit after mile 2. But I kept plugging along. My pace wasn't terrible either, probably around 10 min miles. But then it hit me. For some reason I got this terrible pain in my left knee that I've never had before. I've had some soreness in my right leg up to my knee, but never on the left, and never right IN my knee. It actually made me really nervous. At a couple of points I had to stop it was so bad. I just couldn't get it to go away. The best way I could describe it is that it was kindof catching or something on the inside. Like I needed to pop it back into place. But needless to say it made my last 2.5 miles MISERABLE! I can't lie, it made me super nervous for the half marathon. (oh BTW I'm back to only doing the Delta Lake one, I nixed the Hershey half until next year so we have more time to plan.) I couldn't help but think that if 8 miles was going to be like this then there is no freaking way I'll make it through 13.1. Or even the 9 that I have on the schedule for next sunday. I'm just really really hoping that if I take today and tomorrow as rest days (from running) that it will fix itself and I can jump right back on the horse.
I also wanted to write about this little challenge I'm doing for myself :) I'm pretty excited about it. I'm going 30 days, not going over 37 points in a day. I get 30 points a day anyway, and dividing up the extra weekly that would give me 37 per day. My little exceptions to this rule are that on long run days I can eat 40, and that GU doesn't count. So long run days I'll basically be eating 43 points a day. I know that doesn't really seem like a big deal to most people. But I binge. So usually within a week I eat all of my daily, weekly, and activity points. Thats if I don't go over. So this will hopefully get me back on track to just eating my daily and weekly points, and "banking" my activity points to *Hopfully* improve my weight loss. I'm a little nervous though. As I've said before, I'm an everyday weigher. So my weight hasn't really gone down since weigh in, its actually up a pound or so. I mean I don't really understand because typically after I binge I lose really fast the days after when I eat just 31 a day. I would think that if I stuck to 37 points, that would make the weight slowly and steadily come off all week. But hey, what do I know. The scale has fooled me many times. BUT, I'm sticking with it the whole 30 days (This is day 8). I'll just give my starting weight from weigh in (179.8 YAAAYYY!!! Officially out of the 180's!!!) and we will see where were at 22 days from now :) I will say that this challenge has already kept me from bingeing atleast 3 times. So Maybe that's what I need to keep myself on track! I'll keep updating on how things are going, today has been kinda rough so far, I don't have many points at all for dinner :( Wish me luck!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Woodsmen's 10K!

"Do you like Hills?" that was the first thing I was asked as I was pre-registering for my 10k. How do you answer that?!
What I wanted to do, was run away and forget the whole thing!! I've run 6.2 miles before. I don't know what I was so nervous, but that right there made me want to back out completely. But of course she followed it up with "It's so much fun, you'll love it!". So I followed through and registered.
Backing up a little, I got there SO FREAKING EARLY!! I don't know why I felt like I needed to get there at 4 when the race wasn't starting till 6, but I'm not gonna lie. It was most likely because I was nervous that I wouldn't get there in time to get a free shirt. Hey its the small things in life! So I pretty much got to hang out for an hour and 45 minutes because that's all there really was to do. I could have gone to the woodsmen's field days, but it was 10 dollars to get in, I would've only been there for an hour, and I am wayyyy too cheap to waste 10 dollars like that. So we waited. Luckily my BFF decided that she was going to come watch!!
Then right before the race my parents showed up too :) I'm telling you, running a race is so much better when you have people there cheering for you. I was kinda bummed I didn't have anyone to run with, but having them there to support me was so incredibly awesome.
(BTW, I keep trying to upload photos but they are tilted sideways and it won't let me fix it. If anyone knows how and could teach me, I'd appreciate it ;)
Anyways, about the race. This lady was NOT KIDDING in any way whatsoever about the hills. I'm telling you there were more hills then there were downhill and flat combined. It was super nice though because people of the community had set up sprinklers for us to run through, and tons of extra water stations! There was so much spirit about it all. Not to get cheesy or anything but the community really got together to support us, and that was a great feeling. I finally made it up the last hill, which pretty much had my knees into my chest because it was so steep!! Then there was this nice, long stretch of flat paved road. I've never appreciated flat road like I did then. Then I saw the end, it seemed so much closer than what it actually was, so I decided to really push it. There was one lady in front of me, and we'd pretty much been neck and neck the whole race. But as soon as I got to the last .2 till the finish line, I went all out and passed her! Now I didn't do this because I wanted to beat her. I did it because I wanted to prove to myself that I could really push it when I needed to.
This race was so incredibly hard for me. I literally almost lost my lunch everywhere when I got to the finish line. But I can honestly say that this was probably the proudest I've ever been of me. Now I just can't wait till next year to do it again!
AND NOW!!! For your viewing pleasure!!! A sideways picture of me! lol

I'm the dork that likes to take the same picture over and over before every race...I don't know why
I'm hoping to post about more running adventures soon. Hope everyone is doing well, and running strong :)

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Busy Busy

I'm a slacker. I'll just put it right out there before I go any further. I've been meaning to write for almost a month. But, life gets in the way, and as you can see I didn'tBut I'm back and will try to post more often.
Good news is, I'm almost back on track. I'm about a pound away from losing everything I had gained when I took a month off (uhh... ya that happened...). But I also have had a rough day yesterday and todayYesterday was manageable, I stayed withib my weekly points allowanceToday I lost all sense of controlThe boyfriend and I  spontaneously decided we were going to go to a little amusement park about an hour away from homeNo biggieWe went to the store, got some healthy foods for lunch, thought I had it under controlIn comes donutsMy friend took us to this place that makes fresh donuts every day about ten minutes outside of Old Forge.  SWEET LORD I thought I had died and gone to heaven. so naturally I had to eat three of themJust to clue you in, that's just how my day started.  It got so much worse from there.
I also skipped my long run today.  I was actually very bummed about this.  I was going to go tonight when we for back from the park, around 8 or so.  But I kinda had a little family feuding  incident and decided it would be better to go home and cry and eat even more terrible food to try and make it better.  So I guess I'll be running 7 miles before tomorrow morning.  Awesome. 
So plan for tomorrow/rest of week.  Run 7 miles.  Eat like I actually have control over my food decisions. Not be a slacker. Run a 10k Friday (I'll mention how terrified I am about that tomorrow...). But for now I need to hit the Hey. Night night world.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Friend Makin Monday!!

If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
Foodie Questions
1. Do you make grocery lists? I do! Although, I'm not really sure why, because I ALWAYS end up buying stuff that's not on the list, forgetting to put things on the list, forgetting things that ARE on the list etc. However, the good intentions are there ;)

2.  Do you have a routine when shopping in your favorite grocery store?  Yes, I start on the outside getting produce, meat, dairy, yogurt. Then I try to sneak into the isles to get all that other stuff. I try SUPER hard to avoid the candy bar/chip isles because everything is soooo tempting!

3.  What is your favorite seasoning? I'm ashamed to admit this...but garlic salt. I can't get enough, I put it on everything. I'm pretty much in love with it.

4.  What is the healthiest food in your fridge right now?  Fresh veggies and fruit,  I like to keep it where I can see it so I go for that first (hopefully!)

5.  What is the most unhealthy food in your fridge now?  I believe there are some pierogies in there...but I don't really like to consider stuff like that unhealthy. I'm a firm believer that most things are only TRULY unhealthy when you eat too much of them.

6. What is the most exotic produce you’ve ever had? Well I like to stick to the basics, so basically the most adventurous I've ever been was trying star fruit...I didn't like it. I'll stick to apples/ bananas/ grapes.

7. Tell us about your favorite local restaurant. Around where I am, we don't have a ton of local resturaunts that aren't chain resturaunts...so I would have to say La Roma's. Its a pizza place and I have a STONG appreciation for pizza. So I have to be loyal and pick my favorite pizza place!

8.  What kind of pasta do you prefer (regular, whole wheat, etc.?) I will pretty much eat any carb I can get my hands on. Some of my favorites are tortelini, linguine, and anything filled with cheese ;) I like whole wheat just as much as regular pasta too.

9. If you could make one food calorie-free for an entire week, which food would you choose? Pizza. I could literally eat this food 3 meals a day 7 days a week for the rest of my life and never ever get sick of it.

10.  If you had to choose would you rather give up french fries or chocolate?  I think I eat chocolate much more often then I do french fries, so if I had to pick between the two I would pick fries. Now, with that being said, I like french fries a whole freaking lot! so I would be heart broken. I'd probably sooth myself with some chocolate though.

Happy Friend Making Monday

Run for Childrun 5K Race Report

Well, I did it. I ran in a race!! I felt so brave. I know that might sound stupid to some people, I mean it was only a 5k run. But I don't know. Something about signing up to run with other people and some of those people are "Real Runners". But, I signed up, I showed up, and I ran it.
On the drive up to Morrisville I was starting to get super nervous because of how hilly the area is. I actually had no idea that Morrisville was a hilly town until after I had already signed up for the run! Too late. So I got to find out exactly how hilly it was on my drive there. When we got there around 7:30am there was a small sign pointing towards a tent that said 5k today. I figured that must be where we need to go :) So I went and got my T-shirt and then waited around. There were maps of the route, but I grabbed the wrong one at first. There was a 1.25 mile fun run going on for children at the same time, so the path split in two directions after about a 1/2 mile. Good thing I figured that out before we started running!
Sadly, the first thing I noticed about the 5k was how unorganized it was. For some reason I couldn't really get the people at the tent to give me clear directions as to where it started. When it got closer to start time though I just followed everyone else. The next thing I notice, was that there were probably only 25-30 people participating. I definitely wanted my first run to be a smaller one so that was great! Everyone running seemed pretty serious though so that freaked me out a little.
The start off was really easy going and simple. A lady with a stop watch and a little girl came out to the starting line, gave us a few tips and some info, then the little girl said "On your mark, get set, go!!" and we were off. I was so releaved to see that after about a quarter mile there were people directing us where to go. I was sure I would take a wrong turn somewhere and end up lost because I couldn't keep up with the little herd. Thankfully that didn't happen.
So when I tell you that this route was hilly. HOLY CRAP. Beautiful scenery, but I'm telling you I may have almost died on the last hill before the finish. I can walk faster then I could run up that hill. But I made it! My time was 32:14. I can't lie, I was a little disappointed with my time at first. Then when I got thinking about it though I was like, you know what with all the freaking hills in that run, I should be so proud with that time!! So thats where I'm at. Maybe I'll do the same run next year and try to do better, but I don't think I'll ever PR my 5k time at this particular race ;)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Terrible 2's

I didn't start the day thinking that I was going to run 2 miles instead of my scheduled 4. But guess what happened...
With my relationship with running, it seems that it's always the littlest things that cause the most distruption to my routine. Today it started with the fact that I couldn't charge my phone last night, so I didn't have any music to listen to while I was running. I knew it would be rough. I knew I would feel like I was dying after a mile. But I will be very honest when I say that I had no idea that I would have to struggle crawl to get to the 2 mile mark. I also didn't wear my arm band (no phone means no Nike+ app therefore no reason to wear my arm band to monitor and record my pace/distance).
In the beginning I thought I was going to HATE wearing my armband for every run. But I've grown to like having it there on my arm. Weird. 
The fact that I felt like I was running through soup this morning didn't help things either. It's been soooo humid with all of the rain/flooding/heat going on, it makes running pretty rough. And I did this run inside, so I can't even imagine how bad it would have been outside!
The last teeny tiny thing that may have definitely contributed to my terrible run this morning was how god awful I've been eating the last few days. I'm telling you if it isn't nailed down, I've been eating it. Which is not helping the whole "I want to lose 10 more pounds before the half marathon in September" goal that I've had.

So I'm declaring today A NEW START!!!

I'm giving myself 35 points a day to spread out for the next 10 days (until my next weigh in at weight watchers). I know its more than what I would normally get in a day, which is 31. BUT! I'm trying to take some preventative measures here and keep myself from bingeing. So when the "new week" starts on Friday, I'm not going to use my extra PP because I've already divided them out between the 10 days. After this time is up I'll see if I can be trusted to handle the extra 49 on my own without bingeing.

Wish me luck, and hopfully tomorrow's 4 miler will go much better than today's did :) Oh...also, I'll probably be messing with this thing and the look of it quite a bit because I have no idea what I'm doing...sorry if that's annoying.