Monday, July 15, 2013

Run for Childrun 5K Race Report

Well, I did it. I ran in a race!! I felt so brave. I know that might sound stupid to some people, I mean it was only a 5k run. But I don't know. Something about signing up to run with other people and some of those people are "Real Runners". But, I signed up, I showed up, and I ran it.
On the drive up to Morrisville I was starting to get super nervous because of how hilly the area is. I actually had no idea that Morrisville was a hilly town until after I had already signed up for the run! Too late. So I got to find out exactly how hilly it was on my drive there. When we got there around 7:30am there was a small sign pointing towards a tent that said 5k today. I figured that must be where we need to go :) So I went and got my T-shirt and then waited around. There were maps of the route, but I grabbed the wrong one at first. There was a 1.25 mile fun run going on for children at the same time, so the path split in two directions after about a 1/2 mile. Good thing I figured that out before we started running!
Sadly, the first thing I noticed about the 5k was how unorganized it was. For some reason I couldn't really get the people at the tent to give me clear directions as to where it started. When it got closer to start time though I just followed everyone else. The next thing I notice, was that there were probably only 25-30 people participating. I definitely wanted my first run to be a smaller one so that was great! Everyone running seemed pretty serious though so that freaked me out a little.
The start off was really easy going and simple. A lady with a stop watch and a little girl came out to the starting line, gave us a few tips and some info, then the little girl said "On your mark, get set, go!!" and we were off. I was so releaved to see that after about a quarter mile there were people directing us where to go. I was sure I would take a wrong turn somewhere and end up lost because I couldn't keep up with the little herd. Thankfully that didn't happen.
So when I tell you that this route was hilly. HOLY CRAP. Beautiful scenery, but I'm telling you I may have almost died on the last hill before the finish. I can walk faster then I could run up that hill. But I made it! My time was 32:14. I can't lie, I was a little disappointed with my time at first. Then when I got thinking about it though I was like, you know what with all the freaking hills in that run, I should be so proud with that time!! So thats where I'm at. Maybe I'll do the same run next year and try to do better, but I don't think I'll ever PR my 5k time at this particular race ;)

Before I go, I did one other brave thing that I wanted to mention. I sent my progress pictures to a lady who's blog I read. I don't think I ever would have done that before! I just figured that I've been in such a HUGE funk lately, maybe this will be the thing the help pull me out. When I posted my run pictures to facebook, everyone was saying how great I looked and they were so proud. Honestly I felt like a fraud because of how bad I've been at staying on track lately. I'm now up 7 pounds. BUT, (not to jinx myself) yesterday I went the whole day on track!! I'm hoping seeing all of those comments is what I needed to remind me how much better I feel when I get it together.  Although it didn't stop me from eating a CRAP TON of food at Texas Roadhouse on Saturday after my race because I "earned it" haha. Maybe I earned like 2 out of the 3 rolls I ate even before my food came.
Anyways I'm off for now, but I will leave you with a picture of me finishing up at the race.
~ Beverly

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