Monday, August 26, 2013

8 miles and 30 days

Yesterday I hit my longest distance yet, 8 miles! Woo! That being said, I felt For some reason I was tired from the get go. I didn't feel it until I started running (of course!) But I wanted to quit after mile 2. But I kept plugging along. My pace wasn't terrible either, probably around 10 min miles. But then it hit me. For some reason I got this terrible pain in my left knee that I've never had before. I've had some soreness in my right leg up to my knee, but never on the left, and never right IN my knee. It actually made me really nervous. At a couple of points I had to stop it was so bad. I just couldn't get it to go away. The best way I could describe it is that it was kindof catching or something on the inside. Like I needed to pop it back into place. But needless to say it made my last 2.5 miles MISERABLE! I can't lie, it made me super nervous for the half marathon. (oh BTW I'm back to only doing the Delta Lake one, I nixed the Hershey half until next year so we have more time to plan.) I couldn't help but think that if 8 miles was going to be like this then there is no freaking way I'll make it through 13.1. Or even the 9 that I have on the schedule for next sunday. I'm just really really hoping that if I take today and tomorrow as rest days (from running) that it will fix itself and I can jump right back on the horse.
I also wanted to write about this little challenge I'm doing for myself :) I'm pretty excited about it. I'm going 30 days, not going over 37 points in a day. I get 30 points a day anyway, and dividing up the extra weekly that would give me 37 per day. My little exceptions to this rule are that on long run days I can eat 40, and that GU doesn't count. So long run days I'll basically be eating 43 points a day. I know that doesn't really seem like a big deal to most people. But I binge. So usually within a week I eat all of my daily, weekly, and activity points. Thats if I don't go over. So this will hopefully get me back on track to just eating my daily and weekly points, and "banking" my activity points to *Hopfully* improve my weight loss. I'm a little nervous though. As I've said before, I'm an everyday weigher. So my weight hasn't really gone down since weigh in, its actually up a pound or so. I mean I don't really understand because typically after I binge I lose really fast the days after when I eat just 31 a day. I would think that if I stuck to 37 points, that would make the weight slowly and steadily come off all week. But hey, what do I know. The scale has fooled me many times. BUT, I'm sticking with it the whole 30 days (This is day 8). I'll just give my starting weight from weigh in (179.8 YAAAYYY!!! Officially out of the 180's!!!) and we will see where were at 22 days from now :) I will say that this challenge has already kept me from bingeing atleast 3 times. So Maybe that's what I need to keep myself on track! I'll keep updating on how things are going, today has been kinda rough so far, I don't have many points at all for dinner :( Wish me luck!

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